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Step Forward for Orphans

American parents of children stranded in orphanages around the world will take to the National Mall to march to the U.S Capitol of Washington on August 26. Dubbed the Step Forward for Orphans, the march is designed to bring attention to the dire situation that’s affecting orphans around the world.

International Adoption Guide supports US families who are marching on 26 August to raise awareness of the situations of orphans worldwide.

“The current system is damaging children.  A family is every child’s most basic human right. Our current system of adoption stands between kids joining families. At this march, we are coming together to make a statement that we must do a better job for millions of orphans around the world,” said Kelly Ensslin, a lawyer for several of the families.

Joining these parents in the Step Forward for Orphans March are leaders in the international adoption community and children’s aid organizations.  The march will be led by Marjorie Margolies, president of Women's Campaign International, a pioneer in the international adoption community and the first single woman to adopt from abroad.  The march also coincides with the launch of a member drive for the Both Ends Burning, a multimedia, grassroots campaign aimed at reversing the declining trend in international adoptions and reforming the adoption system.

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